Sequencing Batch Reactors SBR is a widespread technology for the treatment of Sewage and sometimes Effluent generated from Industries. Mainly SBR is used for Sewage Treatment Plants.
Welcome to the Richa Environmental Services Pvt Limited manufacturer of SBR STP ETP WTP wastewater treatment plants; Feel Free to contact us for any Industry specific troubleshooting.
Troubleshooting in Sequencing Batch Reactors SBR
Troubleshooting of SBR STP ETP addresses critical operational conditions faced by industrial operators mentioned below:
• Denitrification
• Nitrification
• High decant Biochemical Oxygen Demand BOD
• High decant Total Suspended Solids TSS
• Unwanted change in alkalinity and pH
• Foam and scum production
• Low DO dissolved oxygen
Nitrification is an aerobic (oxygen dependent) reaction that consumes DO dissolved oxygen. Troubleshooting of Nitrification is related to the
pH and alkalinity
How toxicity is produced in SBR?
When ammonium is there in SBR at concentrations ≥ 480 mg/L, any one following two conditions occur resulting in the inhibition of nitrification:
The ammonium accumulates, and the pH of the SBR increases. This increase in pH results in the production of free ammonia (NH 3 ). Free ammonia is toxic.
The ammonium is quickly oxidized to nitrite, and free nitrous acid is produced in a large quantity. The production of nitrous acid results in a decrease in pH that accelerates the production of more nitrous acid. Free nitrous acid is toxic.
Troubleshooting of SBR for Nitrification is done via
MLSS correction
DO during react phase
Phosphorus deficiency
Likewise other parameters are also rectified in SBR.