Nature of Effluent is High in BOD, COD along with high oil and grease.
Inlet parameters for ETP are according to the following.
Sno | Parameters | Value | Remarks |
1 | BOD | 3500 mg/l | |
2 | COD | 8500 mg/l | |
3 | FOG | 150 - 300 mg/l | |
Other parameters pH = 4 - 6, TSS, Chloride, Color are going to be huge but will now cause much issue in treatment process.
How to treat effluent generated?
Collect all your effluent in a Equalization tank after bar screen & Oil and grease trap, Remember OGT should be effective in removing all Oil & Grease once it reaches to Equalization tank it will create problem with the BOD COD reduction.
Make homogenous mixture in Equalization tank with the help of coarse bubble diffusers.
Transfer Effluent from Equalization tank to Coagulation & Flocculation process
In Coagulation & Flocculation pH is raised upto 9, Coagulant & flocculant added to precipitate the effluent.
Almost 80% BOD COD load is removed via Coagulation & Flocculation process.
After that Clarifier is used to remove the sludge formed via chemical precipitation.
Effluent is then transferred to reactor where biological treatment will happen, Suggested Reactor is MBBR for Biological Treatment.
Biological sludge formed is removed via clarifier 2
After disinfection process treated, water is sent to PSF & ACF for polishing and color removal.
Feel Free to contact us for 100% result-oriented treatment Plant.